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Five Fantasy Pieces op. 14 Collection

for piano

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The piano music of Christian Fink (1831–1911) makes him a typical representative of the 19th century. The present five short character pieces draw their poeticising titles from Robert Schumann’s Fantasy Pieces op. 12 and explore a range of moods, from the boisterous Faschingsmarsch (Carnival March) to the sacral air of Andachtsstimmung (Reverence). Fink, who was born in Württemberg, wrote his Five Fantasy Pieces op. 14 as a young man during his time in Leipzig, and dedicated them to his friend, the choir director Carl Riedel. These compositions, which are being published for the first time in a modern critical edition, still today provide a welcome addition to the known repertoire of character pieces for the piano.

Complete recordings in the HELBLING Media App:
The HELBLING Media App provides free access to professional recordings of all five pieces. They can serve to motivate the player and to monitor practise results. On the inside of the front cover you will find a short text with instructions and the access code for the audio content.

Performer: Robert Bärwald
Recording courtesy of Hänssler Classic, 2024

  • Glückliche Zeit / Happy Days
  • Im Volkston / In Folk Style
  • Faschingsmarsch / Carnival March
  • Albumblatt / Album Leaf
  • Andachtsstimmung / Reverence


  1. Glückliche Zeit / Happy Days op.14/1
  2. Im Volkston / In Folkstyle op. 14/2
  3. Faschingsmarsch / Carnival March op. 14/3
  4. Albumblatt / Album Leaf op. 14/4
  5. Andachtsstimmung / Reverence op. 14/5

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