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Vezzosette Ninfe Choral single edition SSATB

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It was a collection of secular dance songs that brought the priest and church musician Giovanni Gastoldi the success of his life. The first print of the Balletti in the year 1591 was followed by nearly 30 contemporary prints in all the important musical centers of Europe. The pieces are assigned to allegorical figures and thus the piece Vezzosette Ninfe carries the heading of Loving Hope (Speme amorosa) which is also frequently specified as the title. The dance song in a cheerful mood and rousing rhythm is the declaration of love of a shepherd boy for the bewitching nymph who outrivals even the prettiest girls in beauty. A catchy melody in the upper voice, hearty “Falala” calls and the striking meter of the piece provide for the lively dancing character. This edition includes the original Italian text as well as a French version of the text from the year 1615.


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