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Les fleurs et les arbres Choral single edition SATB

Deux Choeurs op. 68/2

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In the œuvre of Camille Saint-Saëns, who is known primarily for his Carnival of the animals, there are two choral pieces, op. 68, composed at the end of 1882 which exhibit genuinely exceptional quality. Presumably having written them himself, Saint-Saëns devoted considerable time and attention to these two texts, Calme des nuits (Calm of the night) and Les fleurs et les arbres (The flowers and the trees). Both pieces display a depth of expression of a kind that he is frequently denied as possessing to the present day.
The second piece in op. 68, Les fleurs et les arbres, takes as its theme nature and art as sources of consolation. Saint-Saëns offers by means of solo passages and melodic upturns, an entertaining diversity before he brings this piece in ppp to a close.


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