In this choral work Schubert’s Sanctus from his German Mass resounds as climax and conclusion, sung to-gether by the choir and the audience. Manfred Länger develops his account of the creation story up to and including the sixth day, on which God created man “in his own image” and saw that all “was very good” from a single note. This is followed by ff cries of astonishment and joy from the choir, and these finally lead us into that silence in which the beginning of the Schubert’s Sanctus from (sung by an ensemble) becomes softly audible. This silence brings the choir increasingly and with ever greater urgency to the conviction that they are worthy at the close to join the “choirs of the angels” in singing, together with the audience, Schubert’s Sanctus as an expression of the unity of God with mankind. This work is an immense enrichment of sacred concerts, and it is not solely at Eastertide that it will unfold its uplifting effect.