Options Student’s Book includes eight units of fun and engaging material, with activities to support mixed-ability learning and differentiated teaching:
Unit Topic and Vocabulary
Two different types of videos (real-life stories or documentary-style) alternate on the opening pages to introduce the Unit and present language in context.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Grammar and vocabulary are first presented and practised in the Student’s Book, with more practice in the Workbook and online. The Grammar bank gives clear explanations and further practice for use at home or in extra lessons.
Listening and Speaking
This section offers topic-based listening and speaking skills development, with differentiated tasks. The Teacher’s Book offers full support with a wealth of notes and tips.
Reading and Writing
The main reading text in each unit is available in three versions – STANDARD, BASIC and ENRICHED. Either the teacher or the student may choose the most appropriate task.
Learning for Life skills
Students meet problem solving in the form of communicative tasks and they are also encouraged to develop their creativity and critical thinking, as well as collaboration with others.
Sustainable Development Goals, CLIL and Culture
The topics in Options highlight important human values that play a major role in the development of young people: environmentally conscious behaviour, tolerance towards other cultures and nationalities, empathy for others and many more.
Exam practice
Regular practice activities and tips for the most recent international exams.
Digital options
A wealth of digital material to accompany the Student’s Book offers innovative approaches for differentiated learning in, and beyond,the classroom. Accessible on our user-friendly learning platform HELBLING e-zone or via HELBLING Media App.
Student's Book content
- Welcome unit (8 pages)
- Units 1 to 8 (96 pages)
- Pronunciation: Sounds right (2 pages)
- Grammar bank (16 pages)
- Exam practice and Exam tips (6 pages)
- Classroom language (1 page)
- English sounds (1 page)
- Irregular verbs (1 page)
Video content
- The café (soap opera)
- Watching the world (documentary)
- Grammar raps
- Vlogs: Learning for life
- SDG videos
on Helbling e-zone
- Interactive e-book+
- Personal Learning Track
- Vocabulary Trainer
- Dialogue Karaoke
- Cyber Homework
- Exam Practice
Helbling Media App
- Audio
- Video
- Basic/Enriched reading texts