Options Teacher’s Book is easy to use and gives step-by-step guidance that helps teachers deliver a comprehensive lesson and provides detailed notes for supporting mixed-ability learners and differentiated teaching.
A comprehensive Introduction outlines the course approach, print and digital components and a tour of a Unit.
Each unit starts with a Unit objectives box to help with your overall planning as well as a reproduction of the Student’s Book opening spread and summary of the key Vocabulary, Grammar, Skills, Learning for life, and Culture covered in each Unit.
Each page of the Student’s Book is reproduced in full colour and accompanied by Step-by-step instructions with answer keys, as well as notes, to help the teacher understand the purpose of each task.
Detailed guidance is provided on how to support mixed-ability learners with Differentiation notes and ideas for Extra activities for fast finishers or those that want a further challenge. Project pages also feature Tips for fully exploiting this feature.
on Helbling e-zone
- Presentation Software (IWB)
- e-book+ for class presentation
- All audio and video
- Teacher's Resources
- Testbuilder + Test Audio
- Placement Test
Helbling Media App
- Audio
- Video
- Basic/Enriched reading texts
- e-book+ for class presentation offline for Windows/macOS