American JETSTREAM Beginner
Towards Cambridge A2 Key
Key Features
Levels & Samples
Components & ISBNs
Helbling e-zone
American JETSTREAM Titles
Everything you need for adult learners
Create motivating learning experiences with American JETSTREAM’s contemporary, relevant themes and careful balance of pace and challenge.
The American JETSTREAM concept combines engaging content, exposure to relevant language, and enjoyable learning activities to help students use their English effectively in class, at work and in life.
Download and print out the promo leaflet for an exhaustive overview of the course.
Interesting topics, thought-provoking images, opportunities for personalization - like You first! - and a wealth of purposeful tasks and game-like activities keep American JETSTREAM students motivated for successful learning.
For many learners of English, speaking is the most important language skill. American JETSTREAM offers varied speaking activities and Language in Action sections which review and practice functional language. Videos provide stimulus for discussion and emphasize the importance of body language in communication.
Grammar is introduced gradually, always in context, with realistic and meaningful practice activities. Reviewing and recycling take place in Reviews and a complete Grammar Reference is included.
American JETSTREAM includes extensive vocabulary input to ensure students learn all the high-frequency words and expressions they need. Vocabulary Plus pages enrich learning while features such as Focus on, Preposition park and Wordbuilder focus on the uses and meanings of new lexis.
We know how busy and demanding a teacher’s life can be. That’s why American JETSTREAM comes with a Teacher’s Guide which takes you through each lesson, step by step. There’s a wealth of support online, too, including extra material and practice tests, which makes American JETSTREAM extremely enjoyable to teach with.
American JETSTREAM is informed by some of the key principles of Holistic Learning. These include the beliefs that different learners prefer different kinds of input, engaging students’ emotions benefits learning, and that good teaching and good material can boost students’ confidence.
Please click on each level to access the Scope & Sequence and Sample Material.
Full audio and video content on the go.
Full audio and video content on the go.
Choose the version of American JETSTREAM which best suits your teaching situation and classroom needs.
Student’s Book and Workbook as separate volumes provide material for the classroom and further practice at home.
Perfect if you are looking for an all-in-one volume with Student’s Book and Workbook included together.
With each volume providing six Student’s Book units and six Workbook units, this version is ideal for short courses and one semester programs.
All American JETSTREAM teachers’ materials are also available in flexible formats to match the versions.
Download and print out the full list of ISBNs.
Technology made easy
Helbling e-zone is the Learning Management System (LMS) developed by Helbling. It consists of a user-friendly online platform for both teachers and students.
A state-of-the-art interactive version of Student’s Book & Workbook with integrated audio and video plus embedded extra activities
Designed to give students and teachers a quick way of assessing the approximate level of a student’s knowledge of English grammar and usage.