Helbling Readers Red Series Fiction Maze Stories
The Secret Statues
The House of Heroes
School of Labyrinth
Helbling Readers Red Series Fiction Maze Stories Produkte
Helbling Readers Red Series Fiction Maze Stories
Good readers make good learners!
Good readers make good learners!
Spannende Mini-Serien, in denen die Leserinnen und Leser selbst entscheiden, was die Charaktere machen und was als nächstes in der Geschichte passiert.
- Meet the authors Rubrik mit Autoren-Portrait
- interaktive Entscheidungs-Seiten, die den Fortlauf der Geschichte bestimmen
- Character Spreads auf denen die Hauptfiguren vorgestellt werden
- Before, While & After Reading Activities für die Arbeit mit der Lektüre in der Klasse
- Glossary mit Key Words zur Wortschatzentlastung
- Spezielle Exam Practice Seiten mit extra Übungen
- Audio-Aufnahme der Geschichte als Hörbuchfassung
- Interaktives und kostenloses Online-Angebot mit zahlreichen Übungen auf der HELBLING e-zone
LEVEL 1 - A1
Towards Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity GESE Grades 1-2
Present simple of auxiliary verbs and can; present simple of most common verbs; present continuous; imperative; there is/there are; like/love/hate doing; short answers and question tags; interrogative sentences (who/what/what colour/how much/how many); would like; interrogative pronouns; personal pronouns (subject and object); plural nouns; countable and uncountable nouns; possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s; demonstrative adjectives and pronouns; adverbs of frequency; some and any; definite and indefinite articles; cardinal and ordinal numbers; conjunctions.
LEVEL 2 - A1/A2
Towards Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity ISE Foundation (GESE Grades 2-3)
Past simple of auxiliary verbs; past simple of regular verbs; past simple of common irregular verbs; past continuous; past simple vs past continuous; present continuous as future tense; be going to as future tense; have to vs must; comparatives; superlatives; common adverbs; possessive pronouns; prepositions of time and place; prepositions at the end of sentences; subject and object questions; to for purpose.
LEVEL 3 - A2
Cambridge A2 Key
Trinity ISE Foundation (GESE Grades 3-4)
Present perfect; will for future tense; modal verbs: should; most common phrasal verbs; yet/already/just; one/ones; ever/never; reflexive pronouns; indefinite pronouns; too + adjective; not + adjective + enough; relative pronouns who, which and that; either/neither; impersonal pronouns you, one and they; very/really/quite.
The Secret Statues

Folgende Titel gehören zur Serie:
- The Tiger’s Tail (level 1)
- The Cat's Paw (level 2)
- The Wolf’s Tooth (level 3)
The House of Heroes

Folgende Titel gehören zur Serie:
- The Blue Egg (level 1)
- The Red Spirit (level 2)
- The Black Owl (level 3)
School of Labyrinth

Folgende Titel gehören zur Serie:
- The Spelling Bee (level 1)
- Space Camp (level 2)
- Summer School (level 3)