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The two girls who saved the world and 59 other stories

MORE! Writing Competition 2018

  • SerieMORE!
  • Bildungsbereich: Sekundarstufe 1
  • Lieferumfang: Buch
  • Details: 108 Seiten, Softcover, 170 x 234 x 10.55 mm
  • ISBN: 978-3-99069-171-7
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1,800 students aged 11 to 14 took part in the MORE! Writing Competition 2018 and sent in inspiring essays on six different topics. The Two Girls Who Saved The World And 59 Other Stories is a careful selection of 60 outstanding student stories from this competition.

The stories in this collection will take you to new, exciting worlds. They have the power to make you laugh, cry and contemplate your own life. Enjoy reading about trips to the planet Mars, about great adventures and about the magic of music.

Find out which famous people from history inspire young students today and which sports really get them going. Learn about the challenges teenagers face nowadays and let them remind you of the importance of family and friends.


entwickelt konsequent und systematisch die Fremdsprachenkompetenz und schafft durch vielfältige kompetenzorientierte Aufgabenstellungen die Basis für die sprachliche und interkulturelle Handlungsfähigkeit.


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