- Serie: STUDIO, STUDIO Beginner
- Livello: Beginner
- Tipo di scuola: Scuola Secondaria di II Grado, Università
- Livello CEFR: CEFR A1
- Componenti: Workbook, e-zone resources, Media App
- Dettagli: 64 pages, Softcover, 210 x 297 x 4.35 mm
- Versione: Separate
- ISBN: 978-3-99045-904-1
The Workbook contains one page of grammar and vocabulary practice for each lesson in the Student’s Book.
It also contains:
- a Review spread after every two units with a progress test covering vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, pronunciation and dictation
- Wordlists and Vocabulary Beats
- genre-based reading and listening activities at the end of each unit
on Helbling e-zone:
An interactive version of the Workbook including all audio plus Vocabulary Beats.
Helbling Media App
The App allows students to access all audio plus Vocabulary Beats.